Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Me, Myself and I- Pitches

With us completing our last project which was a loc/doc production where we reconstructed a scene from a film (Stephen King's IT), we have no moved on to our next project which is titled 'Me, Myself and I'. This project is focusing on who we are and expressing ourselves in a short 3 minute film, it wants to include any past video clips of us as children if we have any. We are also incorporating our 16mm project in this as well so it's good to plan and prepare for that when in pre-production. This week we were pitching our ideas for our Me, Myself and I's to our course leaders so they can approve or improve on our ideas.

My pitch focused on using a technique that interested me that was used in films such as Alfred Hitchcock's Rope and more recently Birdman, this is the technique of making the film look like one long shot, but really it's multiple long shots edited together so perfectly it appears to be one. This idea seems to be a challenge and thats why I want to experiment and work with this technique so I can try something new from what I've already done. The film is going to be shot as a POV shot from my body and have me walking around going through my day or going through past moments in my life. All/most of the dialogue spoke will be coming from me who will appear on screen as either a visual representation of my mind or the person I'd like to be but I'm holding back. So it's me talking to the POV me trying to explain and more or less thinking out loud to myself. The reaction from my tutor and the group seemed positive and they all seemed intrigued to see how it would work out. I was very nervous when giving this pitch even though it wasn't my first time but I think I'm starting to ease into speaking and pitching in front of the whole class.

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